
Monday 22 July 2024

Enjoy the fruits of summer

Avocado prawn

Avogadro’s norm

Enjoy the fruits of summer

Forget the beef and grizzle

And the turkey twizzle

Instead pray let the herb oils drizzle

Sunday 21 July 2024

Crampons for security

You’re galvanised with energy

I’m corroding, turning rust to dust

Your stainless sheen is shining

My pitted mind is blind

You’re climbing cliff-tops surely

I’m using crampons for security

Your certainty is widening

Yourself you’re swiftly finding

My broken shafts are not for laughs

These words, they’re just the gas

Saturday 20 July 2024


Endless complications

Wordless conversations

Forgotten combinations

Splendid isolations

Removed from all temptations

Distance dulled sensations

No communiqué or revelations

Dependant isolations

Craving recreations

Return on base to stations

A pairing of incantations

A wasted life of separations

Friday 19 July 2024

Endless stew

Its been four months of poems

Since she asked me to be going

That’s long enough for other stuff

To take me off and trawling

So what stops you lad, what drives you mad

What holds you back, from your oats a sowing

Well if that I knew, in this endless stew

I would have ended by forgoing

Thursday 18 July 2024

Celtic summer frocks

I’ll think of her more than I can thank her

My minds been like a canker

I’ve walked along the waters edge

I’ve trod my footsteps in the sand to pledge

So stay awhile

Beneath this summer smile

Observe these soaring cliffs

Beneath of which I sit to sift

Soliloquy or fast

Passed places ever last

Moss and luxurious lichen

Waters from the kitchen

Its fibered growth turns grumbling rocks

In to the colours of Celtic summer frocks

Sand, and sand, through twisted toes does tumble

Grains to maintain this odd refrain so humble

Again sustained by summer’s sun

Upon which I sure must not stumble