Only because you were on the long wall
Otherwise you did nothing for me
Nothing at all
Most days I would try to write a poem; it is a practice, as I suppose is meditation, or smiling, or watching the world go by
Only because you were on the long wall
Otherwise you did nothing for me
Nothing at all
Tick tock - stop
Please everybody slow down
Let's begin with a whisper
Tip - top, slow-down, stop
A pin point balance, rocking to and fro
The metronome swings towards home
Its shade travels ever so slight behind
For now it is the afterglow
I don't think so, no I'm sure
We never ever have met
By the washing powder you say
Well, unless it was special offers
I doubt it though
I'd be most unlikely to stray so far
Cameras roll
Pan in pan out - cut across the set
Ladies; in the aisles please
I don't think so, no I'm sure
We never ever have met
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Gathering prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Fruit prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Dawn chorus prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Dawn Chorus
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Here I am prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Here I am
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Amen prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Apple blossom prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Apple blossom
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Why not get up prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Why not get up
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Faith & hubris prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Faith & hubris
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum.
Plenty for a night, prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Plenty for a night
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Prayers like incense
Si forte attrectent eum
Prayers like incense
Prayers like incense
Prayers like incense
Wilderness, underscored dreams, calm, quietly spoken - the big stuff
Mourning lights in flickering cathedrals
Bones picked on by vultures
Music that haunts away at half the night
It is after the dawn of the big stuff
Refracted from clay
Moulded from dust
Watered down horizons
Flat plains for artificial light, spider's webs
Silkiness to sing to
Float on the waves of contentment
Quietly spoken - cling on to the big stuff