welcome to the paradise
of our spacious awareness
the journey to nothingness
where nothing is ever
any more than nothing at all
where nowhere
is never anywhere nearer
than here and now
Most days I would try to write a poem; it is a practice, as I suppose is meditation, or smiling, or watching the world go by
welcome to the paradise
of our spacious awareness
the journey to nothingness
where nothing is ever
any more than nothing at all
where nowhere
is never anywhere nearer
than here and now
is there anything the matter
good day
how are you
where have you been
where are you going now
is there anything the matter
would you care to begin again
good day
how are you
where have you been
where are you going now
is there anything the matter
would you care to begin again
with love at the centre of our being
good day
good day
how are you
good day
how are you
where have you been
good day
how are you
where have you been
where are you going now
i will forgive you one thing
if that one thing is god
which as a firm non-believer
is the ultimate sacrifice
to wake
on the canal boat
beside your lover
with your son
in the next room
to sit together
on the deck
in the ethereal glade
where the morning dew
echoes the lack of disturbance