
Sunday 8 September 2024

just at that very moment

just at that very moment

as the end bell rings

i have everything in its place

all is settled

the once turbulent waters are still

yet of course

there is more to be worried about

each detail will

turn over or introduce

a further detail

and so life will go on

also dreams and meditations

where the working out

has its own methods

as well as its own motivations

Saturday 7 September 2024



all by coincidence

or mostly

years later

the amazement

rises to the surface



aeroplane travel


chancing ones arm

day by day

and love

there in continuum

going up and down

Friday 6 September 2024

clarity is the sublime emptiness

clarity is the sublime emptiness

love is the exquisite completeness

between clarity and love

the soul and the spirit

are continuously replenished

as long as

the heart is still beating

Thursday 5 September 2024

now time

now time

at once wasted

with half-hearted suggestions

and altogether indifferent responses

no splash of perfume

or swirl of silk scarf

no splash of cologne

or dancing in the dark

amble on

in ample time

of resonance and recovery

along narrow country lanes

with high bramble hedges

where horse and cart

carried the harvest

when forgetful actions

left one all alone

Wednesday 4 September 2024

to set out

to set out

with hope

to wade

in cool clear water

to follow a path

mostly of my making

it is what I do

it is what I try to do

and if in this life

there is fear

of flight or fight

because my father

went away with another woman

and my mother

was heartbroken

out of her mind

in despair

for who knows how long