
Tuesday 30 July 2024

at six-forty-five or thereabouts

at six-forty-five or thereabouts

i hear the geese

on their way perhaps

from their night time

place of safety

to the daytime feeding grounds

or because it is warming up


or are they beginning

their long flight

back to summer in the arctic

Monday 29 July 2024

the pathways of love

the pathways of love

are scattered with fresh seeds

waiting for the footprints of lovers

to make their impressions

into the receptive ground of being

where the process of creation evolves

step by loving step

Sunday 28 July 2024

is poetry

is poetry

always from the past

i was asked

by one particular person

i thought of dust

dust behind the door

dust beneath the floorboards

yes i said the past is always

where the dust settles

Saturday 27 July 2024

we all have our gurus

we all have our gurus

our mentors in wisdom

mine for the moment

are rupert and adam

eckhart and david

and not forgetting

thich nhat hahn

Friday 26 July 2024

the man who gardens

the man who gardens

is the man who plans

the man who writes

is the man who records

the man

who records his plans

is the man

who finds his way to love