
Saturday, 11 May 2024

Sweet memories being mended

My befriended mind descended

Lent itself a favour, or was it two

The bitterness is ended

It could not, could not be defended

My censored mind now is scented

Meant for long to labour

Except that now it is all spent through

The bitterness is indeed near on ended

Now it’s the sweet memories

My sweet memories being mended

Friday, 10 May 2024

Nigh on caught the writers eye

The purple pink ink was sprinkling

Words deeper than the page could print

The deep red sun in the sky was sinking

Skies hues bluer than the blackest ink

The vermouth gin was drinking

Crazed, laced, aniseed, menthe and mint

The blue black sky had summers stars a twinkling

Skies light, whitest snowball cocktail drink

The drink distilled the multicoloured inks

The pink blue sky nigh on caught the writers eye

The instinct was to close, the amber nectar rose

A painter shaped his pose, a poet had another drink

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Archangel Michael

On board

On board the Archangel Michael

Kos, a present from the English

For helping win the freedom war

Took from 45 to 58 to get the papers sorted

On board

On board the Archangel Michael

An anchor slip on the wooden ship

Island sun, nun forsaking nun

The purple sage has read you

The sprigs and the twigs are to tread through

On board

On board the Archangel Michael

A floating boat of hope

Worry beads, religions icons, photos of the pope

And Greek Orthodoxy for the crew

On board

On board the Archangel Michael

A landing stage for boats to lay

A slip of sand, a welcome hand

The island blade has read you

The boats and warmer coats

We’re all just floating through

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Being tougher might have been kinder

Being tougher might have been kinder

Maybe I could have been kinder to myself

I could have seen the end before it happened

But suspended, I gave myself just too much rope

Was it the rough ride that life had bled for you

Did my chase relent to eventually embrace you

Being tougher might have been kinder

We could have been kinder to ourselves

We could have seen the end before it happened

Suspended, each kept on giving just too much rope

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Glowing at the attention

A little sad reflection

Fifteen years ago this day

In the land of Mr Pye

Building castles in the sand

The horse drawn carriage beckoned

Children’s bonnets and the sun cream for protection

Protection needed you had reckoned

On this island free, free to begin, to begin to dream

We wandered up towards the headland station

We gazed the azure blue over to France

This was our first vacation

A consolidation of subterfuge romance

Laying in the meadow dozing

Clumps of Jasmine beneath the peregrine by chance

Laying on the meadow headland dozing

Taking photos of sparrows doing their ‘flutter dance’

We’d travelled on the hydro foil of Condor

Sat on the deck in Channel Island sunshine

The light of lightness being longer

Holding hands in some pave crazed expectation line

We had the corner table

The restaurant was first class

The girls glowed at the attention

And you glowed at their sass

We played some games a little later

Scrabble, and cards; was it Twist or was it Fish

Oh so happy, even before our consummation

We were feeling, feeling lovingly rich

And when we had returned

The photographs cannot lie

I was caught adrift and snoozing

You as ever, were camera, camera shy

Now it’s another May Day holiday

An island by the name of Kos

No longer at one together; here tonight without you

Remembering what, oh what on earth it is we’ve lost