
Monday, 29 April 2024

Wireless spokes

Lightness after loss

Hope after dark

Life after all

Unchained, free, freed

From inert confusion

Delusion dispersed

Lightness before daybreak

Sleep with dreams

Sleep in peace

Unchained, released restraint

From created capture

Rapture reneged

Lightness during dawn and dusk

Walking without shadows

Walking with angels

Unchained, clasps recycled

From twisted thoughts

And wireless spokes

Lightness under the sun

Lightness under the moon

Lightness, not a moment too soon

Sunday, 28 April 2024


Words without ideas

Words without love

Ideas without love, without words





Thoughts without thinking

Thoughts without drinking

Thinking without drinking, without thought





Sight without seeing

Sight without being

Seeing without being, without sight





Friday, 26 April 2024

Low flow the high blow

Low blow the high flow

Trip the tease that strips to please

Low flow the high blow

Waters edge the bather’s pledge

Strip to please the tease that trips

Waters pledge, the bather’s edge

Low flow the high blow

Thursday, 25 April 2024

Come to terms

I’d forgot to grieve

Got up to leave

A mumbling stumbling goodbye

I’d not taken the time to cry

Too too busy not asking why

Caught up in my own insensitivity

Reading some other folks words

Looking at nature, studying birds

Wallowing in the following wind

Now it’s time to come to terms

Wash those wicked feelings, terminate the germs

Wish you all the best, with sincerity

I’m in the country and visiting the city

Writing and reading, words full of self-pity

Drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes

The world has become my oyster

That’s a tricky one, choices can loiter and be foisted

So I’ll catch their word, hoping that’s not too absurd

Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Thought transference

You thought your way into my thoughts

And you fought your way right out again

It was your thinking not your drinking

That propped me, stopped me from sinking

Your critical, cryptic crossword completion

Revealed, your subtle sense of reason

And your letters, your letters though sparse and thin

Your written words sold me, fever rising, muse within

Your turn of phrase with unnerving staring gaze

Razor sharp, cutting; may I mention tension raised

The gifts you gathered, the detail mattered

Thoughtful choices, so so soft yet carefully scattered

Even now on leaving

Misbelieving there’s no articulated deceiving

Your thoughts I’m holding high

In my sinking, slinking, thinking