
Friday, 7 July 2023

Thursday, 6 July 2023

The Moving Image

The blackbird was still

I was intrigued by its stillness

I looked away for a moment

But then it was gone

Although on looking deeper

I saw it again

Flitting from branch to branch

Suddenly quite restless

Wednesday, 5 July 2023

Visually Rich

The warm sun

Through and over

The winter trees

Through my yard

Small as it is

And on through

The window

Onto this page

Tuesday, 4 July 2023

Not always happy

A good night’s sleep

But not a good mood

For the morning meditation

The carry-over

From a master grieving

Touched my conscience

Sunday, 25 June 2023

I do like Mondays

Where is the equilibrium

Between sparrow and sky

Where is the imbalance

Between blackbird and spy

Is that a thrush

Which waits on the gutter

Or is it the Sainsbury’s van

With two blocks of butter

Oiled clothes collected

And put in the washing machine

Yes you’ve guessed it - Eco wash

To turn out environmentally clean