You too
Could be inquisitive
In the way that Dennis is
Most days I would try to write a poem; it is a practice, as I suppose is meditation, or smiling, or watching the world go by
Rounded stones
Rock solid
Rustic French accent
A stronger breeze
The waves of late summer
Follow the flags
And the bunting
As the ship sets to sail
The luggage containers
Are being loaded
As the queues form
Leading away
From our idyllic escape
Also stillness
Yet not quite silence
Shops, cafés
And a signpost
To the harbour
Or to the visitor centre
With its sedum roof
Without resignation
Yet not to celebrate
To take the next steps
Wherever they lead
With hope
In the ascendency
As joy and love
Call you to be at their side
Or at least they press you
To explore
Outside of your, self-limiting, comfort zone
Lamb & Mint
In a sausage roll
With or without
How is it to be
Setting out
How is it to be
Each to leave
An empty house
As we go away
On our vacation
How is it to be
Growing old
How is it to be
Recollecting youth