
Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Test Says No - Body Says I Think So

And so for the not so well their bids are due
You pushed on, you pushed out
Your friends, and family are also not well
They also push on, push out
This way
The bugs spread at quite a rate
In effect 
We no longer catch it
Instead it visits us
In our alone and lonely quarters
Quarantined from the world
To such an extent
That we too wonder
If we could work on-line
Doing what, what can we do
Even with
The virus for our inspiration


Monday, 28 March 2022

Strines - Clearance

This isn’t my moor
But it is my ringing in the ears
My vibrations of being almost at home
Yet a long way from love

Thinking it must be an external sound
I open the car door
To hear nothing but the sheep
And the sound of scrub smoke slowly rising

Brown, and green, and purple
Yes, yes, oh boy yes I’ll bless my love
For the purple heather
The brown, green, and beautiful purple heather


Sunday, 27 March 2022

Sugar - And Spice

Was it the dessert pastilles
Which lifted my mood
Or was it my morning meditation
Which set me in good stead
For the rest of this beautiful day

Was it the café
Here, there, or anywhere
Which set the seal
On the deal of love
About to be offered


Saturday, 26 March 2022

Out Of Space - Matter Of Fact

I declare
You are my meteor star
Curving through the curved air
Of a deeper love
Steeper than the steepest mountain
A fountain of youth and truth and beauty

So light, so happy
On a blue sky Saturday
Such a tight feeling
That says love stay with me
The keeper of the song
All in all another beautiful day


Friday, 25 March 2022

Hardly A Ripple - On The Pond

In this aloneness
There are no leaders to follow
No instructions to misunderstand

I can go my own way
Even if I stumble
And yes, sometimes fall

The moorhen
Plunges half of her body
Headfirst, into the black water