
Monday, 13 December 2021


Two hours of playing with video
Does anyone
Like the sight of their own face
Or the sound of their own voice
Do we not all cringe
At the words we wrote
Or the scenes which we imagined

Is it overconfidence
In our ability
Or our proficiency
Have we seen professionals
And thought, oh yes
That looks easy enough
I should be able to do that

Of course timing, timing is everything isn’t it
Knowing when to pause
Where to take a breath
Or when to smile
And turn towards the camera
Although to do that I would have to learn my lines
And memory is not my strong point is it, no it is not

Sunday, 12 December 2021


I didn’t know you as a non-believer
I don’t really know you as a poet
Yet of late I have empathised
With your words, and their layout

Indeed I took your Desserts
To our Friday Morning Poet’s Salon
Where the craquelure
Was inquisitively peeled back

Saturday, 11 December 2021


I take tea
With lemon drizzle cake
In the stables cafe

The crockery is exemplary
White and blue
Always a favoured pairing

Fresh flowers on the table
A nice touch
Why not do it more at home

I will buy a vase
For sure there will be a gift shop
Though alas, there were no vases

Friday, 10 December 2021


Place and time
Time and place
Shade and light
Light and shade

Remember the experience
Store away the details
Give sufficient weight
To the ambiances

Of your surroundings
Of your heart
Of your mind
Of your temple in the sky

Be taken by the muse
Be offered up
To the lines of freedom
To the limitations of lovers

Tell them, that you have been there
Say that you were not alone
Yet you cannot say who you met there
For truly, they will never, ever know

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Place And Time

Thankfully it is not a long walk

To Richard Long’s A Line in Norfolk

Indeed it is right outside the front door

I stride out the eighty or so metres

Of Norfolk Carrstone, whose orange clay

Contrasts markedly with Mr Cholmondeley’s

Sparkling green, well-manicured lawn

I wonder if the turf might in fact be laid

On a foundation of such well-weighted stone

Eventually I call this sculpture Number One

And think this is how a drone camera

Might picture it from the sky

After striding its length I meander

To all four corners, to gain some distance

To see another light, to gather another perspective

I remember Richard’s grey slate stones

Laid out onto the top floor of a city centre gallery

And cannot help but think; this is a much better place

Further along I see Full Moon Circle

It is made of a similar material to the one I saw in Leeds

Which I now think rather suited its cosmopolitan surroundings