
Saturday, 7 August 2021

Reclaimed From Rhyme

Clouds, in quite a hurry
To cross the once blue, blue sky
Thoughts of how I have disrupted
Oh so so many lives

Would that I could be seized
With no need to go anywhere at all
Would that I should be rooted
To a place so so calm as this

That we might all travel less
For less is more, is more, is more
No need then for second stops
Or even to worry as to the final result

What once was grand
Was, for sure, for sure let go
Decayed to the loosest straw
Solutions offered by the high and brazen

Rhododendrons were the latest thing
And for tall trees seeking light
A grandstand then was often built
Or a platform, for revellers simply to be

Dilapidation comes to mind
A certain requirement for a lick of paint
The past is past, but, we did all play our part
Except for the mother, who really was a martyr


Friday, 6 August 2021


It matters not
What you leave behind
Nor if your partner looks sideways
While you look forwards

No amount of wealth it seems
Can make a man, or his possessions, immortal
For he, and they, will surely
Be impoverished by the passages of time

All day long
I ought to carry this thought with me
Nothing should become too too precious
That it may not be written of by me

Currently closed
The chapel and the restaurant
Also the fishing pegs by the lakes
Otherwise, open for admission (tickets only)

The quiet stone
Stands beside the old wooden door
Where the threshold is much underused
The latest change is 1995

Smell the grass, freshly mown
See the heather, and the Acer
Take in the splendour
And think of how life might have been


Thursday, 5 August 2021


So far away
A minute stick of a figure
At the water’s edge
In his own world
Yet now, also
In my world

Trouble, as they say, sets out
At the double
To disturb his peace
More-so, the cloud cover
Has changed the waters colours
Caught the shadows on the hop

The white windmills
For now they are all white
Their greys having been despatched
By the twirling blades
He doesn’t move at the double
Troubles himself instead, to focus

On that extremely fine line
Where land meets sea
Where new light travels
Along the East Coast continuum
From the Wash to the Humber
From the gifts of the gifted, to those as given


Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Here As Elsewhere

The seed heads
Of the dry grasses
In my fingers
Spreading their futures
Into the marshes

Eventually, most likely
Out towards the horizon
Where, one hopes
That sky and sea will meet
Or at least share
A place with a view

It could have been
A John Miller
‘Summer Sandbar’ painting
Except this is not Cornwall
Nor is this the Atlantic
Although the light, yes
The light is equally magical

Today I am told
That there are definitely seals
And so the cameras
With significant zoom lenses
Are called into action
To remember the day


Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Also Days Like These

Just to sit here and write
On the old bench
At Gibraltar Point
With the warm wind
From the salt marshes

Admiring the white clouds
Beneath the blue sky
Listening to the warblers
And the human conversations
Which are always with us

Lots of flags
And marker posts
On the way
Or pointing to
The safer ways

Now the sunlight
Bright and piercing
Brings the flowers
Into bloom; one more
Summer for the taking

Among the grasses
Before the bridge
Which we will be crossing
Once the car parking
Has been paid for