Most days I would try to write a poem; it is a practice, as I suppose is meditation, or smiling, or watching the world go by
Saturday, 13 February 2021
Friday, 12 February 2021
The longer sleep
Increases the stiffness of the body
Yet offers energy to flex the supple mind
Always one thing or another
Always a price to pay
However much at ease one sits
Remember then this light of March
Think back to the breeze over the garden
Transfer the here and now to way back when
Soon we will have the blossom with us
Then the showers, which will so so quickly take it away
Yet one foot may still step in front of one other
Thursday, 11 February 2021
The chair is quiet
An electronic device, one of them, sounds out
Perhaps a reminder, or an alarm, or a message
I will sit awhile in the quiet chair
And who knows, forgetfulness
May fail to remind me of the earlier interruption
Just as I was settling
To write a few pleasant words
To put myself and the word in context
One step before the next sort of thing
As the sunlight strengthens the shadows
Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Am I obsessed, or am I tired
Can I talk of nothing more
Than what I see, or imagine
The dust motes do not seem
To share this confusion
Seemingly happy
To float
Wherever the light
And the thermals take them
Neither any problems, apparently
For the rainbow-like reflections
On the ceiling
Which emanate
From the crystals
Hanging in the window
The early morning grass
Is frozen; yet the sun
Which is now rising
May soften the crunch
Of those later footsteps
Tuesday, 9 February 2021
Shades of Day
I had no need
Other than to walk
Or to write
To reinvigorate
My mind, my body
Even might I say my soul
Yet, in that moment
A cloud covered the sun
The light wavered
I waited, not for too too long
For soon, joy upon joy
The brightness returned