
Monday, 14 December 2020


Almost all alone now

The inner pool, the warm zone

Mine; all to my self

Yet not for too too long

For the steam room calls

Then the aromatic shower

Before to go outside

Lay on the sun-bed

Sip ice-cold water

Alone now

In the courtyard

With the olive tree

Which must be so so old

Judging by its trunk detail

Also by the mass of its girth

Myth, or mass, or mirth

Are all then that’s left

Of the final test of the mind’s body

Sunday, 13 December 2020



Does not do it justice

There is way more



Might have been

A better match

As in a fading passion

Yet unspeakable

Muse as mute

Sealed lips

Lips sealed

Therefore acceptance

Has no choice

Other than

To be accepted

Yet decay

Was only

A beginning, a beginning

In search of an end

Saturday, 12 December 2020


Blue, blue sky

Lime green

Pine needles

Painted toenails

Ankle bracelet

No more than a g-string

A fence line to the woods

What would you want

With us in the woods

A sparrow, or let’s say

Its Ibizan equal

Sits on the wire

I am thirteen again

When to play in the woods

Was to play in the woods

No more to it than that

No hidden inventive

No subterfuge of any kind

Friday, 11 December 2020

Abode To Abide

I did not bring a towel

So this will not be easy

Soon the sweat beads will arrive

Soon the perspiration

Will dampen the paper

Also steam up the thoughts

Take the passions

To a higher place

To a hotter place

To that way of no being

I did not go beyond

Those 43 beads of sweat 

Instead into the courtyard

To the breeze, to the light

To the love of life reflected

The water (to drink) is cold

The attendant keeps herself busy

It has taken me a couple of days

But I have now found

My spiritual home

Thursday, 10 December 2020

Spa Courtyard


Space, tree

Space, tree, air


Music, tree

Music, tree, air


Glass, tree

Glass, tree, air


Wall, tree

Wall, tree, air

Space, music, glass, wall


Tree, air