
Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Civilisation versus Nature

summer grasses—

the wheels of a locomotive

come up to a stop

Seishi Yamaguchi


I weed the old gravel

I weed between the new paving stones

I weed, and I know that I will have to weed again

Yet the memory may be the first memory

It is of being with Grandad

On the clay works steam-powered shunting engine

We ride together, from the arched bridge

By our row of terraced cottages

To the buffers, of Hepworth Iron Company Ltd

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Words and Dialogue

he says a word

I say a word:

autumn deepens

Kyoshi Takahama


I grow

Am growing older

Than the seasons

Which do deepen

I choose words

More quickly

As if fearful

No, no I won’t say it

For still I do believe

That some summers

Are yet before me 

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Monday, 5 October 2020


morning glories—

the well-bucket entangled

I ask for water



Given gifts

Crossing seas

Island landings

Ice-cream cornets

On the first day of May


Around the maypole


Climbing aboard

The horse-drawn carriage

Laid out, spread-eagle

In the meadow

Taking steps tomorrow

To the beach

I thank the seas

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Sunday, 4 October 2020



out of the water…

out of itself

Nicholas Virgilio


Out of the steadiness

Or ready acceptance

Onto the waves

Of a vibrant sea

Take me to the heavens

Take me to the sky

Take me to the discoveries

Of more about me 

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Saturday, 3 October 2020

The Ordinary

For Allen Ginsberg





garbage can.






Michael McClure


Anything but

Not a story

From the parlour

Nor a description

Of a quiet drive

Instead provocation

With words

With layout

All the tricks of the trade

In ways in which

I plainly see

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan