
Monday, 21 September 2020


  migrating birds—

fields of pampas grass

show the way

Kristen Deming


I heard of birds

Sliding across the sky

I had not heard that term before

Neither did I know of fields of pampas grass

Where would one

Come across such a thing

Perhaps in Asia

Or other such lands which I have not yet seen

Other than in films

Or photographs

Why yes, I did see pink-footed geese

In skein formation, migrating, or feeding

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Sunday, 20 September 2020


after the riot—

such a perfect

moonlit night

Hekigodo Kawahigashi


As I rise

I am hopeful

As I meditate

I am peaceful

As I write

I am mindful

As I hurt

I am vengeful

As I sulk

I am fearful

As I escape

I am moonful

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Saturday, 19 September 2020


      on the patio

the afternoon drifts along

    with the butterfly

Patricia J. Machmiller


I am taken back

To that Sunday, or was it that Saturday


On the decking by the pond

Indeed it was the official

Opening of the pond

When friends came around

With warm smiles

And happy conversations

And to celebrate

The slow roast pork was cooked

All morning through

It was early evening before all dispersed

A time for the moths

To replace the butterflies 

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Friday, 18 September 2020


  a petal falls


across the table

Steve Sanfield


Across the table

At work

At play

In negotiation

In love

In fallout

Across the table

Hands together

Hands apart

Hands raised

Hands fallen

Hands wrapped inside themselves

Across the table

Secret glances

Feet furtively touching

Hoping beyond hope

That the explosions

Will put you back together

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan

Thursday, 17 September 2020


the homeless man

takes off his shoes before

his cardboard house

Penny Harter


I almost was that man

With his Paper House

Which the sea and the sand

Did their best to destroy

I took off my shoes

To wade through the water

In search of the dignity

So securely hidden there

haiku mind

108 poems to

cultivate awareness 

& open your heart

is by Patricia Donegan