
Saturday, 13 June 2020

Before Dawn Arrives

There is a darkness
To the five AM rising
A silence, which some might say
Is due to it still being the middle of the night

There is a freedom
To the earlier start
An ease, which is hard to pin down
Other than life feels easier

No need, none whatsoever
To run hither and thither
Instead to calmly fry the beans
And tip them slowly onto the buttered toast

No change here, from solitude
Or with bookish contemporaries
For to be alone is to be alive
Knowing just how good it is to exist

Yet it is not moorland
Out the windows behind me
Neither a rolling sea
To pound my coastline 

I am in the urban landscape
Singing about the urban spaceman
I am in the comfort of my homestead
Thinking of what on earth to say next

Friday, 12 June 2020

A Picture Paints

The room is warm
Even at this early hour
I could easily drift off
To who knows where

But I don’t
Instead I take out a pencil
To scribe these few words
On the cusp of daydreams

The prints are from Egoiste magazine
Bought in an outdoor market
In the old town of Bilbao 
Where we also tasted tapas

Indeed in some of the bars
We watched the ham being sliced
Due to one enterprising soul realising
That this would make for fine entertainment 

Another photograph is of the sea
The promenade at Whitby to be precise
At the time of the World Music festival
Where Buena Vista Social Club played

The room is warm
And you might argue
That it is filled with memories
From further away yet closer to home

On the long wall images from Skye, Shetland
And from birthdays; also, on the far wall
My own pastels; so so many hours of pleasure
From so so very long ago

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Be Transported

Always though it is flight
An idea to escape
Until endearment shows its face
With a close-in kiss

So, don’t always take the first stop
Let the resident resonant echoes settle
Find another form of calm
Instead of an attempt at obliteration

Take a trip out to the shops
Drive the car with the sunroof open
Listen to the energies of life
Feel the cold air blow in mid-winter

Think on, of making a miniature sculpture
On the walls of the reservoir compound
You do still have the negative
Didn’t you see it only last week

Now it is packed away
Among another thousand or more memories
All waiting for you to show them the light
For them to live out their life a little longer

Take time to take time
Listen to the words of Mooji
As he talks of self and self
In his fine Caribbean accent

Think on, of the market in Kingston Jamaica
Where you felt anything but safe
And could not wait
To get back to your out of town hotel

Where the rains fell like sheets of glass
But also where sunshine
Returned to the morning, in time
For fried breakfast, under the outdoor canopy

Available at Amazon

Christopher's Website
for his Collected Works

Wednesday, 10 June 2020


Is it a room I desire
Or to be perfectly honest
A number of rooms

A space where I can impose
Or be imposed upon
Perhaps elaborate decoration
With fine embossed wallpaper
Or a more minimal approach
With a few tokens
Maybe memorabilia
Such as pebbles from the beach

I do need warmth
Also light, or the lack of light
Either way to have the option

The space is there to assist me
To help me to find peace
To be calm, at one
With my chosen surroundings
If it is a small space
Then to respect its boundaries
If it is a large space
Then to celebrate the freedom it gives me

Available at Amazon

Christopher's Website
for his Collected Works

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Reaching Conclusions

I go along with the first point of view
Or voice if you prefer I say it that way
I understand, and empathise, even celebrate
The logic, the consequence
And the emotions of the argument

I am not so keen on the second point of view
Yet I do hear this also as a voice if so you wish
That the two voices are with me is hard to deny
Though this brings or creates
A greater fear, one of its own making

Perhaps I agreed too readily
With the first hypothesis
Also maybe I had an automatic rejection
Of the opposing viewpoint
Caring for my own care

I first thought
To forget all about the conflicting voices
However this gave little satisfaction
So now I let the genie free
First to myself

Then to my conscious and to my sub-conscious
Also I will still seek to talk with others

Available at Amazon

Christopher's Website
for his Collected Works