
Thursday, 14 April 2016

Light of Amber Nectar

In my right ear the sound of water
Almost a stream, into nearly a pool

All the rest we imagine
On the beach, tiptoe cold water
Shared lonesome interrogations

“You seem unsettled
Can you not look at me”

I turn to see your smile:
Red lips; all the words say 
I love you

It takes a while
But I settle
Here among the simple folk
Drinking the Moonshine pale ale

Where arrangements are made
To meet a week on Tuesday
By when apparently all will be sorted

free from poetry

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Sandilands in May

This is how we feel. Alive on the beach, in the breeze, with hands over our eyes to create the vibrant, purple, geodesic domes that Buckminster Fuller spoke of so lovingly. Out towards the vague horizon, the waves roll over onto the podiatrist’s feet; she moves the camera blindly from one frame to the next, past the horses and the waves of water

The chasm beneath Edinburgh’s streets sure struck a chord; the author sincere with her research, whatever the year, whatever the festival, whatever the danger she was later to speak of. We all need some space; the brown and white hoofs splash their exited riders into the tides surprises, the dogs that barked have left the sand sunk pools, left the faraway roar of motor cycles

We all need some space, also to talk to the stranger dressed in white muslin, he moves away, steps up a gear, jogs along, and levitates to the next breakwater. We all need some space, he checks his pulse and pedometer; with my blurred vision I can easily make him out to be two, turn his outfit to become ever more flight bound and exotic

The sands become a desert, the sound of waves are thanks to the ever present wind noise; winds that stir the particles into a massed morass, for all in which to sink. Better then to wear my spectacles, or look for the shorter, more distinctive view, see what can be seen; reign in my over active imagination, once more caught unseen on film

free from poetry

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

One for the road

Suspended inanimate
Blood and bones helplessly hang
Under less than supple skin
No voice at home to articulate

Push buttoned purred engine 
Depress the clutch, pull away
The body falls in for the ride, held
At a safe distance, safely levitated

Tick-tock, tick-tock; slower, but
Still a pulse of circulation
A station to move through
A moment more awake than last

Stretches with unsugared tea
Tea and meditation
The engines inclinations ingested
The fuel kicks in; hot ear lobes listen

To soft rock played on the radio
The sun is up, in the cloudless sky
Hung over
The seventeen fields of rapeseed

free from poetry

Monday, 11 April 2016

All dressed up and…

At the early morning bus stop
First cigarette of the day
Think on - of lovers left in bed
Think on, of lovers 
If only you had said
Baby can I walk you home

Roam around those thoughts
Alive, twirled fast inside your head
At the early morning bus stop
Baby, for certain you could have said
Can I share your life forever
Can I wake inside your head

Instead, you think on: 
Too much make up
Too dreary perm set hair
Too tight the crimplene trousers
Too late the finals of the beauty cup…
Can I share your life forever
Can I wake inside your head

Instead you stare
Beyond the early morning
Beyond the bust stop and the flair
You think on – of lovers left in bed
You think on, lover, if only you had said
Baby can I walk you home
Can I share your life forever
Can I wake one day beside you
In your silk laced, soft skin, bed

free from poetry

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Glass Houses

Surrounded by inadequate lives
Black and white noise
Counselled out of expectations

I saw it on the news
Kids out of control
In Time magazine
Young people
Without direction
Without correction

Picked on by the big boys
Black and white noise
Torn apart, by media mogul dedications

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