
Thursday, 4 February 2016


As if on the last
As if on the line
No thought to surpass
Except of one of a kind

As if by the field
As if by the plough
Never a difficult yield
Except of one in the mind

As if on the road
As if to follow the sign
No experience to broach
Except of one rather benign

As if at the turn
As if all reason to mine
Shadows which lean to learn
As desire, of struggles to define

As if out of the tunnel
As if on to the final design
We darken the funnel
Fearful; of the mindless and blind

Available on Kindle

Wednesday, 3 February 2016


Insufficient sounds
Voices as a racket
Hatches of tired imaginations
Fascinated by the newness
Bagging all of the beauty

How easily the mood changes
One more moment of walking
This time for the real one
This time without improvisation
A total absence of creation

Insufficient bounds
Sailing upon steam-packets
Catches of breath's paginations
Animated by the shrewd
Nagging to undo

How much harder; doubt
Dulls the thoughts now aged
This time for the real one
This time without a guide
To the left-field of light

Available on Kindle

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Once One by One

I wrote of the moment
I could think of nothing better
To set out the good times
And mail you the letter

I wrote of the fountains
And the rampant sea breezes
I wrote of the ramble
And your ever loving squeezes

I looked through the doorway
Onto a mirror of light
I looked to the floor-way
And remembered what might

I heard the birds chatter
As if by the shielings
Love is that fact of matter
Beside the potato peelings

Today I hope
You care for the letter
My heart hoped yesterday
Je ne regrettez

Available on Kindle

Monday, 1 February 2016

Down The Garden (Sunday Morning)

Enough distance to give distance
Enough wind to ruffle the sea
Enough willow to still the mind

Looking out on bending grass
Looking out on those breaking free
Looking out on sunlight & shadow

The mind is heavy
The body is heavy
The soul can't quite steady itself

There is bird noise
In and among the birdsong
There is physical discomfort
Astride the comfort of the pen

Heaven knows so few clouds
Across the blue sky
Heaven knows so proud
Just to settle down

Available on Kindle

Sunday, 31 January 2016


A black and white light
A black and white meditation
After reading of death
After reading of Doors for the Dead

A new light
With the singing of starlings
A fresh air
With the window flung wide open

She came here as a five year old
Thirty-eight years ago
Her parents were school teachers
Her father was a Buddhist

They came here in the school holidays
She remembers some of the gardens
Some of the hidden pathways
Although she feels

With some nostalgic sadness
Coupled-up to modern joy
That the inside of the house
Has changed beyond measure

Available on Kindle