
Friday, 23 October 2015


I was scrambling on a mountain side in England's Lake District. It was one of two ways that I had found into the bar of an Open University summer school. I had made the trips several times already but on each occasion I found myself back on the mountainside.

A party of Americans approached, they asked if this was the only way; before I could answer I felt a rock slipping, I screamed at them to get out of the way. Calmly I took hold of the sliding slab, I steadied it's progress, then slowly guided it to rest, against and between two, more solid, outcrops.

Available on Kindle

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Human Dream

All of humanity
In the shirt not ironed
& the hair unbrushed

All of humanity
In the smiling eyes
& the schoolgirls crush

Available on Kindle

Wednesday, 21 October 2015


All of hope
Where waters part
To observe the joke
Through the viewfinder
Of life's twisted periscope

Available on Kindle

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


I am often on my own
Yet I yearn to be alone
I am often in silent reflection
Yet I long for peace, and quiet

Available on Kindle

Monday, 19 October 2015


Someone has to work it out
Fill in the duty roster, allocate the tasks
I put myself down to be the wandering poet
A sort of absent-in-extremis wishy-washy role

Available on Kindle