
Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Walks Of Life

Yes it is a clock, a water clock
And so the young romantic
In full on beach bush hat
Is towed down the pier
By his pit bull terrier

Yes it is the horizon
Set up in a true line
With galvanised railings
And so we make our peace
With the visiting Hare Krishna

Yes it is a Thursday
And one more photograph
Of my advancing bald patch
Will tip me, tip me right
Over the railings edge

Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Beneath the boards
Boards that vibrate
A sense of all but urgency
Into my shoe clad feet

Great fear of falling backwards
Into a non too placid sea
Secured by fine lines of railings
Links that do not set me free

Howl of wind, air resounds
Bound by the old engines
At the clay quarry or factory
Hymns wrung without a beat

Monday, 23 February 2015

Authentic Voice

A pen & ink sketch would
Have captured her wild frizzy hair
But told nothing of addiction

His voice, recorded
Would have set a place for many
But told nothing of the past

A further outpost
Once again the curse or cure
Of the one alone to tell

To talk of sand, scrub and dune
Smiles from passers by
Mobiles for those most immobile

Speak of children, who argue less
With grandparents, much as writers
Who argue more, when left alone

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Wakes Week

A thousand miles of photographs
Hundreds of leagues beneath the sea
A smile, from a lady in a plastic mac
On her way towards the North End pier

Blue skies, brief blown clouds, stiff breeze
Waves; high with roll, with surf, with crash
Out there where sky meets sea, a latency
A curved line of disbelief, believe me

Forecast; the wrinkles will arrive
Sprinkled with diamonds and pearls
Whirled as a dervish of old times portal
The long clock, the point of it all; social

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Silent Time

Patience, she too wears sandals
Models made and models cast aside
Hidden doors from floor to ceiling

I, there I go again, I
All the blood, in consecrated
Circulation; all of love

The patron saint of care & patience
She too wears oilskin lookalikes
Forbidden clothes, rags for reeling

You, there you go again, you
All the good in pre-perfected
Veneration; all of love

Patience, he too wears sneakers
Members rooms and members only
Hidden codes, the keys of leaving

We, there we go again, we
Misunderstood, in desecrated
Contemplation; all of love