
Thursday, 16 October 2014


Close fitted, bespoke
A good cloth
Stretched across
A sound back

But what of his mind
Head bowed as it is
Silver grey hair
Weight of wisdom

Yesterday, in his Bermuda shorts
With the blonde haired girl from West Virginia
They climbed the steps to the Buddhist temple
But today it is his, yours, and my, Thursday

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Ancient Night

To say, with a slant how easily the ink flows
In time with Bodhrán, in tune with trembled lute

To kick step
Back on to the straight and varied
No room here for lust or love
No courtship of free-flowing
Nor frozen memories

At that the song ends
Its partner takes to the dance floor
Slow steps
Lithesome glides
Sunlight of shadow

Her voice enters; how not to give
Having, as you have, given all before

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

I Or Almost Or I

I make this mark as a way to begin
A doorway through which to enter

The music is vaguely religious
With deep, folk-root, overtones
The heavy curtains are drawn
Spotlights cast long shadows

I have read from Edgelands; learnt of an artist by the name Chell of who might well have captured the verges that I hoped to draw, or write of

I have read from Falling Upward of the two halves of life; reflected on my strong similarities to the failings of others on the road to maturity

Before the fever takes hold
As I fear the fever no doubt will
I stretch full to say ‘then take me’
To write as would a man possessed

I make this mark as a way to end
A doorway through which to depart

Monday, 13 October 2014

Eyelid Designs

Squares morph into triangles
They change at various rates
All their lines
Dotted & bedazzled

Close your eyes 
Take a breath
Music you hear

Ambient Electronica

Close your eyes
Let the shapes
Become visual

Rails morph into circles
Their ends join as same
Both their tines
Rotten & bedraggled

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Shore Walk

Pier & swim & splash
From crash of wave
To sunlit line of horizon

On & on & on at one
Butterfly catches the rye
As the baby’s cries echo

Fresh throws of summer
Beneath the spray
Days thoughts gone, astray

Stripes & stripes & stripes 
& stripes take sides to bathe
Twixt mother and child