
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Double Two

Twin carburettor
Dual streams of passion
Couplings of chains and silkworms
Ever to be the effervescent
No place for lent
However well meant
I am intent on duplication

The creation of parallel lives
With tales of past and future wives
Knives drawn and daggers sharpened
Harp on about Mneme, indefinitely
She holds her sway, still here today
These six years or more thereafter
As dust in the rafters, her craft
And guile, her half forgotten smile
Combine to taunt & haunt me

Close to the whispering harmonica
Inspired to have found
Such rich and common ground
Her sounds are your sounds
You rebound to her love and care
With care and love
Above all of that
These five years
Or more of a passion
Drawn to draw upon

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book, and audio cd from  poetryshop 

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


It is so easy to forget
Oui, je n'ai aucun regret
It as taken a while, yet
The demons seem to set
With the loss of the abject
Pain, indeed o yes I wept
Once a week in step
Distanced there to bet
Payment for the let
Dust that never swept
Returned by avocet
Ache of deeper debt
Your hold as we met
It is my only one regret
All that I recall I beget
Yet just so soon forget
Of all the times I crept
In nights I never slept
With dreams to intercept
The love of love I kept

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book, and audio cd from  poetryshop 

Monday, 13 January 2014


I wait for the night to fall quiet
Will away the general hum
While the fading roar fall home

In this instance of one indigenous
Not altogether of this part
An instance then of distant county 

I am fair close to the rattling roads
A birthplace for noise
To warn of oncoming locomotion

In this instance of momentum
Or rather call to fading light
An instance of the minutiae

I wait for her steps to walk
Will off the past indifference
While her ageing steps tread on

In this instance of one more deception
Unfair to share as so far apart
An instance of the cruel misperception

I wait for no end of words
Will off the poets cleave
While still to deepen the disbelief

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book, and audio cd from  poetryshop 

Sunday, 12 January 2014


She scrambles my timeless moments
Redefines my mind
And signs my dreams on the kerbs of waking

What of those moments
Might be recovered

Is it to feign to blow ones cover
And say the same is never the same
As it never was

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book, and audio cd from  poetryshop 

Saturday, 11 January 2014


Dull mind, cold winds return
Grey skies dominate the horizon
What now of the sand and the sea
Of the suns heat laid onto bare bodies

Think then to the first introductions
Without innocence; witness rampant
Roots, of loves flaming associations

Dream then, of conversations
With permanence at heart
Rocking chairs on the verandah

Sing then of life's untold hold
On boundless joy; her counter
To doubts & the depths of despondence

This is a poem from Filmic: Love of Our World of Purples & Blues

Available as ebook from Kindle
or as a homemade print book, and audio cd from  poetryshop