
Friday, 4 October 2013

Daylight Lamps

I am where I am
Do not let me become disheartened                
Let me write
Let me paint
Let me love
Let me work
Let me be outgoing and creative, let me be

There is a brightness, the same brightness
Of the streetlight when, as a thirteen year old boy
I was torn from my playgrounds
I was unconditionally stripped of my boyhood friendships

I am where I am
Do not let me become unduly despondent
Let me play
Let me dance
Let me drink
Let me find romance
Let me take the steps to find the rare and fairly be

There are sounds, the same sounds as from
The youth club juke box
Then I was a clumsy but enthusiastic teenager
I never quite made it with the girls 
& I never quite made the regular first eleven

I am where I am
Do not let the weight become a burden
Let me procreate
Let me fornicate
Let me hesitate
Let me stay up late
Let me weigh up how to strive to be

There are duties, responsibilities; the same
Organisational representations that I fought
For and against, as suited my fast emerging
Slick suited, neatly booted, superficial persona

I am where I am
Do not let me dine on introspection
Let me read
Let me breathe
Let me be boisterous with pretension
Let me seek
Let me reek in the abstinence of joy

There are doubts, there are blood rushes of emotion
Passions that charged at me as sure as did 
Van der Graff's electrostatic, silver balled generator
There was just a chance that I could make her

I am where I am
Do not let me prize on those past reflections
Let me ache
Let me recreate
Let me take away all leave of my senses
Let me so relate
Let the mistakes be raked over or burnt intestate 

There are voids, gaps in hopes and understandings
There is no we, as a we anymore
There is silence and there is darkness
The uneven load is a load too much to bear
There is no choice & no forgiveness.

I am where I am
Do not let me be only pre-existent
Let me study
Let me talk
Let me roam
Let me grieve
Let me browse
Let me leave
Let me go off to find and make new friendships
Let me love to be the man who loves again

There is care, tenderness, love, vulnerability, colour, energy, intellect
There is a warmth of welcome, a desire to please
The usual problems
We each have baggage from the past
Stuff that requires deft negotiation.

I am where I am
Do not let me conjure up conundrums
Let me be simple
Let me be plain
Let me be outrageous
Let me be as it is to be
Let me be thankful for the days ahead
Let me share more than I ever cared to before

Elbowed Out - Love of Listening to Michelangelo
Christopher's Poetry collections can be found on iTunes and on Kindle by clicking the highlighted links

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Sense Of

More than ever, the words are about me
Caught in a search that's fast losing its relativity
It would be good to walk on the moor in solitude
To stroll on the shoreline with a barefoot attitude
Perhaps to learn the art of ungloved hawk control
Then to hand-wash dishes in super-warm soapy water

Elbowed Out - Love of Listening to Michelangelo
Christopher's Poetry collections can be found on iTunes and on Kindle by clicking the highlighted links

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Devil of Disruption

I walk the streets
Head down
Let me wallow
God let me feel sorry for myself

Before I read
Of the indisputable truth
Before I learn any more
Of the irredeemable I

These are not my walls
This is not my house
I am but a journeyman
The current luminaire

Simply passing through
I will though not just be
I will move on, I will
Become one thing or the other

Elbowed Out - Love of Listening to Michelangelo
Christopher's Poetry collections can be found on iTunes and on Kindle by clicking the highlighted links

Tuesday, 1 October 2013


It was a kissing night
Kissing, kissing, kissing
Several days of kisses
Then a final kiss
Pressed against the ancient tree

You with that broken look in your eyes
A sorrowful damaged look
Though a look which finally said
Yes, now, eventually
I do so want to kiss you

Elbowed Out - Love of Listening to Michelangelo
Christopher's Poetry collections can be found on iTunes and on Kindle by clicking the highlighted links

Monday, 30 September 2013


Lindens in that place above and below
Shared by earth and sky
Sapling by sapling with the Rowans
Set back, or rather set forth of the Weeping Willow
Born of timeless barks shadows, upon the Silver Birch

Would that these definitive species
Say something equal of me
As with your butterfly
That entered on the waft 
Of summers midday breeze

Tea, served on a companions tray
New friendships begin
Host and traveller
An overnight guest; we walk a parkland walk
Soft talk, dreams blended with meditations

Back at the piano, Satie's Gymnopedie plays
Pages turn on the endlessly symmetrical score
Gardens with lilacs, roses in bloom
Iced Martini, lemonade too, brimming over
Conversations; preparation for the after dark

A meal of suggestive spices, delicately laced
At table set, with wine, in impeccable taste
The best of clothes, perfume chosen
More than to say hello, before candlelight casts shadows
Onto that place where only our shadows are allowed to go

Elbowed Out - Love of Listening to Michelangelo
Christopher's Poetry collections can be found on iTunes and on Kindle by clicking the highlighted links