
Tuesday, 20 September 2011


The dust of previous occupancy
Smothers any possibility
Of individual reckoning

Like a swathe of blankets
Thick in felt and embroidery
The weight of others is overbearing

Yet this place
Names itself
The centre for community

I wonder
Why then do I feel so estranged -
I determine to retreat to the pebble beach

Take solace with the solitary fisherman
Cast my cares to the clouds
Throw my woes on the rolling sea

The talk turns
To Finnish lodges
In the heart of the forest

A place to sauna
& swim
Au naturel

This sounds
More like
An engagement with life to me

to read online or download for free from issuu click here

Monday, 19 September 2011

Truly lost

He was in a city outskirts shop doorway
Head in his hands he sat befuddled
The drink had hold of him
He clutched his navy blue carrier bag

No amount of explanation
Would he take in on this night
This night
That was only yet in it's late afternoon stage

I won't ever see him again
Neither wonder at his whereabouts
Except for through these few words:
Adios amigo

to read the full collection online or download for free from issuu click here

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Van Mildert’s Portrait

At first I thought of it as a week of my life
Without a single memory 
I sat in the cathedral and pondered
All those years ago did I not go on to the rooftop
Was it not possible back then to look down on the prison
Are these simply a nowadays imagination
I am more certain
Of a formidable figure
Whose portrait hung high
In the university halls
He was overlooking
Indeed overpowering the diners
As they sat in the refectory
And stumbled through lunch
We remained strangers one and all

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Highlands and Islands: Christopher & Kate on Tour

Summer vacation gives this part-time poet the time, the space and the inspirations to enjoy his creative outlet. These poems are presented in chronological order, in their entirety, as a record. These are the days and nights that passed as Kate & I travelled first north, then west and finally south, back to our home in Lincolnshire.

These movements, changes in direction, are on the macro scale, we also spent much time traversing microcosmically.

There could be more photographs, thousands were taken. The poems are considered a differentiated form of aide-mémoire.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

No More Pebbledash - Join the Campaign Today

For two many years I have been a man without a cause. I have meandered, with an almost entire lack of conviction, through every aspect of my life. 

But, and I know you sensed a but coming, I think I have now found my calling. 

I want to rid the world of pebbledash. Pebbledash is the scourge and a blight to the outside of houses in just the same way as Anaglypta wallpaper was to the inside of houses. They both serve to cover up shoddy workmanship, to bring a continuity of surface onto uneven foundations. 

Instead of making the bare surface bold and beautiful it is as if they would encourage pretty girls to wear rickety-rackety undergarments, assuring these poor innocents that a spray of top coat will turn them into princesses, it won't; their veneer will be seen through, their pretentiousness to any honour will be discounted.

I have seen no beauty in pebbledash, I believe its very make up, and form of application, prohibit such beauty ever emerging. 

I think then that I have found my cause. I want to rid the world of pebbledash!

First I want to clear this ugliness from the countryside, where this so obviously man-made debacle sits absolutely uneasily alongside the beauty of nature.

I would also like to begin on the Hebridean Isles, where this, my revulsion to pebbledash, climaxed. And perhaps as a symbolic gesture I would begin with the Museum of South Uist outside of where I now sit.

Kate is keen to join the protest but isn't too happy with my stance of not entering pebbledashed buildings. I will have to put her on the associate membership list I think, until she becomes more committed.

We call in on the Dutch artist Jac Volbeda, he welcomes Kate and me into his fine and artistic white, wet-dashed, bed abd breakfast property, he gives us many links to artists and writers from the Netherlands, I tell him of my campaign against pebbledash, he has some sympathy, together we listen to Counting Crows.