
Saturday 31 August 2024

warmth and touch

warmth and touch

from the body

reflection and measure

from the mind

joy and happiness

from the soul

continuity and care

from the heart

resilience and integrity

from the spirit

you are you

i am i

we are we

we are here together

in the conduits of love

Friday 30 August 2024



yet tired

and confused

the life mind

still busily processing

the world of interbeing

which lies behind you and beyond you


at the beach

surf school students

some of whom were keenly attentive

others who were wilfully carefree

together they learned

and played on the waves

of the azure blue atlantic

Thursday 29 August 2024

what we do not know

what we do not know

does not stop

the flowers growing

rather it is our very limitation

which gift the need for growth

take the time

sit in a quiet space

write a few words

of love

offer up your care

Wednesday 28 August 2024

gulls call out

gulls call out

last night’s sound

of an helicopter circling

has been silenced

as we slept

whatever was to be found

is gathered in

whatever was to be discovered

is brought into the fold

as we walk

endless opportunities

are abroad

in the thinking

as the now itself is thinking

in spheres of its own consciousness

Tuesday 27 August 2024

away from the valley

away from the valley

out into the intellectual

cosmopolitan world

a transformation

with sense equally as well as

without sense

bending and shaving

in deep and deeper

such is communion

where the words

enter and are received

by mind and body and soul

Monday 26 August 2024

unsettled peace

unsettled peace

stretching boundaries

breaking established arrangements

shifting the blue sky sideways

unfettered release

walking on water

eroding previous moments

corroding the polished diamonds

time is the time

for the time of forgiveness

light is the light

for the here and the now

Sunday 25 August 2024

where next

where next

how to take

the next step

on the pathway

of enrichment


by self-forgiveness

in obscure worlds

more rearrangement

with guidance

from within

and without


in the folds

of the pasture

ahead of you

as around of you

what you see

is where

the thought begins

yet what you write

is almost at the end

Saturday 24 August 2024

time alone

time alone

is what time needs

to cure the loss

of time itself

depth itself

may be abroad

to emboss the depth

of depths of days gone by

days gone by

may salvage claims

to carry the days

beyond the days

when love itself

was aware

held as lovers

in the arms of love

arms themselves

without folds

to wrap around

the joy of hope

Friday 23 August 2024

a weekends necessities

a weekends necessities

in a plastic carrier bag

a navy blue wool overcoat

over a body of love

footsteps filled with presence

a mind way out of its mind

fridays and saturdays arriving

then disappearing

into irregular building blocks

as befits the sand and sea

an altogether wobbly foundation

for the commencement of love

Thursday 22 August 2024



from that summer onwards

of losing you

fearful also

in the very beginning

of not getting to know you


that we both

came across from the other side

joyful also

in the steps one by one

where we found the beauty of beauty