
Friday 31 October 2014


What do I find attractive
The confident, or the confidante

A body that flows and moves with grace
Or a persona with stillness
An aura that looks down at my shoes
Then twirls its hand to say ‘futurissimo

The Americans now seem to have less style
Perhaps because their wealth is on the wane

Black though holds its ground; the fat made to look thinner
Awkwardness turns itself into a statement 
and to be full on jet, over a red velvet cloak with fine denier mesh
Sure creates a definitive presence

Thursday 30 October 2014


She drapes her arms
Over his shoulders
They both wear trainers
& turn around in sync
At the far end
Of the hall of sculptures

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Curved Ball

This is more my place than yours
Whoever you are
Wherever you might have been

The seat at my side is empty
The entire bench holds
Not one more body

Out on the floor the living intermingle
Between Woman, Man & Child

In the foreground
Two girls talk of diaries
Laughter; a third girl joins them

Their conversation turns
To places that are amazing
Behind them a Rodin and a Giacometti

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Monday 27 October 2014

Observation Duty

He waves his arms
Steps about
Turns in circles
Points, with a vengeance

His attire
Grey slacks, brown coat
Gives no suggestion
To his energetic gesticulations

Although the red shoulder bag
Seems a tad out of place
Perhaps he is the drop
Awaiting his instructions

I look up
Ar first think him gone, then 
I notice that he is on the move
Unfolding a paper notelet